I'm a published wedding and portrait photographer located in a small town outside of Charlottesville. In addition to capturing beautiful images, I love spending time with my family, am freakishly good at word games (Hey Wheelmobile!), love an ice cold can of Coke or Dr. Pepper, know every line to Hocus Pocus and can never pass up a Chick-fil-A waffle fry or a trip to HomeGoods. 


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wedding tips and inspiration

Dominion GardenFest of Lights

Each year, Dominion Virginia Power and Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden team up to host the Dominion GardenFest of Lights. The garden is transformed with twinkling Christmas lights as the far as the eye can see arranged into a variety of patterns, displays and even animals. Last year’s theme was bicycles, in a nod to the […]

December 12, 2015

Travel, Virginia Day Trips

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